Wednesday, November 27, 2019

World into winners and losers Essays

World into winners and losers Essays World into winners and losers Essay World into winners and losers Essay Globalisation, simply put, refers to the process by which the world is said to be transformed into a single global system such that events in one part of the world more and more have effects on peoples and societies far away. (Baylis Smith 2001, p. 7) However, to use the phrase simply put when giving a definition of globalisation may be misleading as there is no simple or agreed definition of what constitutes globalisation, nor any consensus about how far the process has advanced. About all that can be said with confidence about globalisation is that it represents a major site of contestation. The contestation that this essay will focus on is neither whether globalisation in fact exists nor whether it is a new phenomenon. Rather, the focus of this essay is on the impact that globalisation has had on the world. Is globalisation a savior that is uniting the globe? Or is it curse that is dividing us all into winners and losers? The first part of this essay will focus on the question of unity. That is, is globalisation unifying the world around common interests? This question involves looking at the increase in technology and thus the increase in global mass media and communications alike. While the biggest transnational corporations (TNCs), such as General Motors and Ford, have revenues larger then many states, the Internet has allowed small businesses to also offer their services worldwide. Music tastes, and fashions shape life across borders, as do economic practices such as Fordism (mass production techniques plus mass consumption). Even brand names such as Coke can move people (Clemens, Jr. 2004, p. 15). For example, in post-Communist Albania many people viewed their first Coca-Cola plant as a sign of good life to come. Cricket may unite the Commonwealth more than any speeches, and The Beatles and Coke may well have done more to subvert the Soviet realm than did the CIA. (Clemens, Jr. 2004, p. 15) Thus, it seems that as the world becomes globalised, it is also unified around common interest and values. This is also demonstrated in religious movements which, although have operated for millennia across borders and oceans, have increased since the onset of modern technology and have united millions of believers across borders. (Clemens, Jr. 2004, p. 14) A similar story can be found in governmental and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) which unite millions across the globe around common goals. For example, Greenpeace has united parts of the globe around environmental concerns. This exemplifies that the globe is not just unified around cultural interests, but also political ones. In fact globalisation has three dimensions: cultural, political and economic. Looking at the advantages globalisation has to offer in these other realms, one would see increased free trade between nations, and increased liquidity of capital allowing investors in developed nations to invest in developing nations. There is also now a greater ease and speed of transportation for goods and people, as well as a spread of democratic ideals to developed nations. Certainly, it seems a valid argument that globalisation is uniting the world around common interests. However, many sceptics of globalisation would find flaws in this assertion. Many would argue that globalisation has not united the globe as it is uneven in its effects and thus only applies to the developed world. As Baylis and Smith commented, to pretend that even a small minority of the worlds population can connect to the World Wide Web is clearly an exaggeration when in reality most people on the planet have probably never made a telephone call in their lives. (Baylis Smith 2001, p. 10) Thus, not everyone is a winner in regards to receiving the benefits of globalisation. And what about the interests that are unifying the world? Some non-Western countries, such as Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and Korea, enjoy economic success but subscribe to Asian values. As discussed earlier, globalisation unites many around Western values and thus, there is a somewhat paradox here: how can these countries continue to modernize without successfully adopting such values? Moreover, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan announced recently that the same open borders, free markets and technological advances that are the hallmarks or globalisation can also be exploited by terrorists, drug traffickers and other criminals. (Annan 2004) Thus, while the world may be uniting around common interests, it may lead to a conflict in values, crime, and the anticipation of possible disputes. This brings this essay to the question of winners and losers, and it seems that there are not as many winners as what first appears. In fact, critics have noted that there are very considerable losers as the world becomes more globalised. These critics may refer to the fact that globalisation symbolises the success of liberal capitalism in an economically divided world, which consequently allows less well off nations to be more effectively exploited. For example, there is an increased flow of skilled and non-skilled jobs from developed to developing nations as corporations seek out the cheapest labor. TNC managers look worldwide for settings that promise lower costs and higher profits. If their global outlook calls for a move to greener pastures, local workers and governments may be left high and dry. A recent article in the Age newspaper drew on this very problem. The sub-headline said it all: Global change will take jobs away from some people, with no guarantee of new ones. (Colebatch 2004) Economics Editor, Tim Colebatch, gave the example of Germanys global tyre maker Continental setting up a factory in Transylvania because Romanian workers cost $A2. 40 an hour, whereas German workers cost $42 an hour (Colebatch 2004) The winner/loser debate is incomplete without also looking at the global free trade market economy. In this system, states with smaller economies must compete against each other as well as the powerful countries. This creates a situation described as a race to the bottom as nations attempt to underbid each other in the competition for foreign markets and foreign investment. Moreover, when developing nations open up their own economies, local producing industries must compete against well-resourced and aggressive foreign companies in battles they rarely win. These same states are also faced with problems with the rapid expansion of Western companies into their economies, forcing out local producers and distributors. Certainly, it seems quite a strong contention that globalisation is dividing the world into winners and losers. Globalisation is a unifying force that is now, more than ever, connecting societies. Different peoples and societies are rallying around certain interests and values, and different cultures and political and economic systems are shaping lives across borders. The result of this has been great benefits, but benefits that are not shared by the whole globe. Not only are millions of people excluded from the benefits of globalisation, but also the worlds strong economies are using globalisation to exploit the economies of developing states. Therefore, this essay concludes that while globalisation is a unifying power, it is certainly also a tool that divides the world into winners and losers.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

buy custom Arguments Against Marijuana Legalization essay

buy custom Arguments Against Marijuana Legalization essay Health problems Similar to other drugs, marijuana use has harmful effects on the health of users. Marijuana use can lead to short term loss of memory, damage of brain cells, and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and lung cancer. As compared to cigarette smoking, marijuana smoking produces approximately 3 to 5 times more tar. Smoking marijuana 3 times in a day leads to much harm as smoking a pack of cigarettes in a day. In addition, marijuana has over 400 chemicals that comprise of some of the most hazardous harmful chemicals that are found in cigarettes, smoking of marijuana produces approximately 50% to 70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons as compared to cigarettes. Other short term effects include: anxiety, increased heart rate, reduced muscle strength, decreased motor skills, reduced problem solving and thinking ability, distorted perception, and memory loss. Marijuana also affects the mental development of young people, their capability to focus on class work, and their initiative and motiva tion to attain goals. In addition, legalization of marijuana will increase to the problems that already exist due to alcohol and tobacco use (Goldacre 89) Marijuana use can lead to use of other drugs The use of marijuana can result in the use of other hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Research has indicated that the use of marijuana often advances to the tendency to use other harder drugs. Individuals, who experiment with drugs such as marijuana which they consider as harmless, often graduate to the use of oter harder drugs that lead to higher levels of intoxication. This problem is further worsened because people do not start using harder drugs directly; they begin by experimenting (Costa 39) Legalization can lead to increased use of marijuana by the youth. The legalization of marijuana can result to increased chances of the youth accessing the drug. Alcohol and cigarettes are banned from being sold to underage kids, this prohibition is because such kids do not have the same judgment, responsibility, and reasoning as an adult. Additionally the bodies of such kids cannot be able to handle the intake of these harmful substances. For marijuana the problem is worse because marijuana use can hinder the proper development of bodies and brains of such kids. Legalizing marijuana will make it more accessible to kids; a good example is the case of Netherlands where marijuana was legalized in smoke shops. This move led to the increased consumption of the drug by 3 times among youth aged between 18 and 20. Increased drug-related crimes The legalization of marijuana will most likely lead to increased crimes that are related to drug use. Individuals, who use, traffic, sell, or produce drugs are normally established criminals who frequently break the law. Such people are not constrained to only committing drug related offenses; they are also likely to commit other crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery (Saitz 16). Ethical and moral considerations Many moral codes, countries, and religions consider the legalization of marijuana as morally or ethically wrong. The mere fact that alcohol and cigarettes are not prohibited does not justify the legalization of marijuana. The idea that every one is entitled to his/her freedom goes against the principle of social interaction that forms the existence of human beings. The use of marijuana by an individual not only affects that individual; it has an impact on work, colleagues, parents, children, and the society at large. The issue of legalization of marijuana is clearly a controversial one; there are people who support its legalization while others are strongly against it. Both sides have come up with valid arguments for their cases, nevertheless inconsistencies and contradictions are there in both cases this suggests that in the end this issue will evolve into a pragmatic one. For those who support the legalization of marijuana, they have a problem of defining the legal boundaries. The issue of how hazardous a drug should be before it is illegalized is not clearly addressed. In an era when there are increasing pressures with regards to alcohol and tobacco use, marijuana legalization becomes a contradictory matter. The resources used in imprisoning offenders will have to be directed on health programs to take care of problems caused by drugs that will be legalized in future. On the other hand, those who oppose legalization are not able to address the issue of tobacco and alcohol use coherently. All i n all, only time will tell how governments will be able to deal with the issue of legalizing the use of marijuana. Buy custom Arguments Against Marijuana Legalization essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organisational Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organisational Communication - Essay Example Therefore during the time of participation there is a need of information flow from both the sides. However the process of communication can be in the form of interacting, talking and writing as well. The present world of business is more saturated and also the companies have global presence. Such endeavors make communication even more multifaceted. Communicating across borders requires sound communication abilities that would allow people from different areas to cooperate with each other. The communication process can be divided into 5 dimensions. The five dimensions are described below:- International or Unintentional. Verbal or Nonverbal. Internal or external. Communication which involves Humans or Machines. Communication among individuals or groups. In the context of the project, only internal and external communication within the organization will be portrayed. Internal communication refers to the way of communication that takes place within the organization. The communication b etween the employees of an organization is denoted as internal communication. It is also important to achieve organizational objectives (â€Å"Internal communications†). ... The communications are:- The internal communication Employees: - The Company mainly uses E-mail and fax to communicate within the employees. The employees have their customized programs installed on their computers, so as to receive and send E-mails. Fax is also another medium which is being highly used in the company. Management: - In order to communicate with the top management of the organization pagers are mainly used. However customized E-mail programs are also used. Also the company in order to conduct vital meetings the company uses video conferencing. The external communication In this context the communication takes place among the company and its end customers, distributors and suppliers. The company in its external communication strategy uses various techniques, but remains transparent about the offerings. In order to portray the offerings the company used the promotions from the company is mainly TV advertisements and other trade and consumer schemes. Customers: - In orde r to directly communicate with the customers the company sends direct E-mail from the customer information database. Distributors and Suppliers of Coca Cola: - In this respect the company makes use of fax and video conferencing techniques. Now in the case of Pepsi, the internal and external communication also plays an important role towards the success of the company. In respect with its internal communication, the company mainly uses E-mail and also uses verbal communication. In order to communicate with the internal employees the company mainly uses meetings to communicate information within the team members. The external communication method of Pepsi is almost similar to that of Coca cola. Pepsi also uses TV advertisements

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Dani, Papua New Guinea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Dani, Papua New Guinea - Essay Example The irrigated land is provided freely for use by any member without prior payments or negotiations. Land ownership by an individual is rare since its vested in kins’ and only allocated in times of need. An individual may own the plantation but not the land. The heirs’ give the landowners gifts and offerings before using the land. Failure to do so will result in dispossession of the property by the landowners (Zimmer & Amakoshi, 2007). Based on Zimmer & Amakoshi (2007) horticulture is routine by cultivation of sweet potatoes in large fields of valley bounded by ditches. Plantation is carried out year round where every family possess a portion of the harvest. The ditches assist in drainage of water during wet seasons and deliverance of spring water during dry spells. Additionally, they also serve as mulching basins. The ditches further prevent unwanted pigs form the farms. Other staple foods include starchy vegetables like yams, rice, wild sago, taro and breadfruit; supplemented by bananas, wild greens, mangos and coconuts. Hunting is also practiced which provides meat from fowl, pigs, marsupials, cassowaries and turtles. Each household practice pig keeping. The pigs are only slaughtered and consumed during special occasions (Zimmer & Amakoshi, 2007). The community holds plenty of ceremonies and hence each Dani member receives pork every week. Domestication of pigs is highly significant that specific medical practices are carried out in order to assist them grow. The male pigs are castrated so as to control breeding and increase their sizes. Every Dani member participates in food production. However, the members cultivate their farms using manual labor whereby they incorporate inferior methods and technologies. Sweet potatoes are planted as monocrops in the irrigated fields whereby the soils are dug using sharp poles. Their harvest is enormous whereby it supports a population-density of more than 400/square mile (Zimmer & Amakoshi, 2007). The

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Theories of counseling and psychotherapy Essay Example for Free

Theories of counseling and psychotherapy Essay 1.1 Defining the Core Constructs of Adlerian Therapy. When Gina says she is determined, Dr. Carlson asks her where her determination is directed. What is his intent? Gina responds with happiness. Her own and her two boys. His intent is to get her to focus on the good and the progress made. He trying to scaffold the sessions questioning to determine more information and to promote client self awareness. His intent is as well for her to see the goal setting nature she internally is projecting. He is demonstrating a life style assessment and the ability for one to control where they want or see themselves. The use of open ended questions allow Gina to elaborate to gather more information. Why would Dr. Carlson tie Ginas motivations back to her parents? Dr. Carlson is following Adlerian’s theory that our future choices are driven by past experiences. By tying Gina’s motivations to her parents he is to showing her future behavior decisions were molded by mother and father through actions that she witnessed as a child. What basic life tasks does Gina describe in this footage? Gina describes the life tasks of occupation,love and social interests. Happiness,eventually a committed relationship and that her boys grow up to be happy and make good choices. Gina is demonstrating achievement of HIs intent is to scaffold the sessions questioning to determine more information and to promote client self awareness. He is also trying to activating the goal setting nature she internally is projecting. He is demonstrating a life style assessment and the ability for one to control where they want or see themselves. The use of open ended questions allow Gina to elaborate to gather more information.,competence and mastery. Theses are three of the lifestyle components Alder speaks about in his theory. 1.2 Conceptualizing Clients Using Adler’s Holistic Approach Dr. Carlson identifies patterns in Ginas early recollections. What do these patterns tell us about Ginas private logic? Gina’s private logic depends on what she viewed in her surroundings that she remembered. The lifestyle she was exposed to allowed her to develop her own compass to live by. It is hard to remember for her but Gina realized she had been doing things for herself to make herself happy rather than anyone else. Such as her obtaining the top ten in her class. Dr. Carlson suggests that Gina is almost selfish to a fault. What part does selfishness play in wellness and pathology, according to Adler? According to Alder, being selfish in regards to wellness and pathology, is natural. We are to become a contributing part of a larger social system. Gina is adapting to basically meet her needs and the needs she thinks are qualities of a â€Å"good† parent. Her feeling that is her responsibility to raise her children and a home is all on her and not letting her husband help is not really a good thing but a coping mechanism she has developed to handle situations. 1.3 Assessment and Treatment in Adlerian Theory In his clip, Dr. Carlson focuses on Ginas early recollections. What important assessment information is he seeking through his questions? Dr Carlson is seeking through his questioning the understanding of her lifestyles and how she viewed the world through asking her to elicit her memories of her siblings. He can also be trying to get a view of the family dynamic through using these types of questions. What elements of the treatment process can you identify in this clip? I can identify phase two, lifestyle assessment as a child, understanding of the person and the problem. Family constellation,birth order and earliest recollections priorities and ways of behaving are indicators of this phase. 1.4 Adlerian Therapeutic Techniques (Written case study) In what ways might an Adlerian therapist ask Steve to Act As If’? An  Adlerian therapists’s may as Steve to â€Å"Act as if â€Å" as follows; †¢Open questioning †¢Purposeful questioning By using questions being with â€Å"what† and â€Å"how† a counselor can elicit a response leading toward understanding or self awareness,self motivation and a level of self disclosure. References Seligman, L., Reichenberg, L. W. (2014). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: Systems, strategies, and skills / Linda Seligman, late professor emeritus, George Mason University, Lourie W. Reichenberg, licensed professional counselor, Falls Church, Virginia.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Michael Jordan Essay -- essays research papers fc

Who Influenced Michael Jordan to Become the Player and Person He is Today? I. Introduction A. Background B. Thesis Statement II. Body A. Childhood of MJ B. MJ the Child Player C. The College Years D. MJ- The Pro Athlete 1. Life in the NBA 2. Life in the MLB E. Back to the NBA 1. Bye, Bye, Bye (Retirement from the Game) III. Conclusion IV. Appendixes A. Charts and Statistics V. Works Cited Page Davis 2 Introduction Well everyone has they’re own opinion about Michael Jordan, but one thing is certain, he is a phenomenal athlete with a unique combination of grace, power, artistry and the improvisational ability. He is not only the top player of his Era, but is quite possibly the best player to wear the uniform of a NBA team. He is the most recognizable athlete in the world and is believed to be the best there ever was, is, or ever will be. ( A person to this magnitude has obviously a success, being able to have a family of his own and, knowing that there are thousands of p eople looking up to him, and being many people’s idol. To be able to stand the pressure of being a national symbol of greatness, you have to have a driving force. This driving force has been known to be the edge a lot of people have needed to make it over. Michael Jordan’s family helped him to fight and become one of the most influential, successful, and professional sports figures ever. Body Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, NY, to a proud Deloris and James Jordan. (; Now this very first point may seem like no big deal but it’s something in itself. Jordan almost wasn’t born. In 1963, when Deloris was carrying Mike her mother died unexpectedly causing her to fall into a deep depression and stress period. Fearing a miscarriage the family doctor ordered her to bed rest. (Greene 12; "I Davis 3 always said that Michael’s birth was like a sign. I lost my mother while I was carrying Micha el, and he was my godsend. Michael was the happiness he sent me after a very sad time in my life." –Deloris (qtd. In Halberstam 48) "The near miscarriage was very bad." –James (qtd. in Halberstam 49) Michael the Jordan’s 4th child lived in a pretty much average house, which was on the lower end of the economic pool. When Mike was 2 he had a really close brush with death. James (Mike’s father) was outside tuning... proved true and Mike come out of retirement. In his 5th game back he scored 55 points. Jordan definately still had it. He also led his team to a second 3-peat. (three championships in a row) Jordan retired for good with 6 NBA finals MVP’s. ( Conclusion Michael, the "perfect" player still needs his family. Mike’s story goes to show that family is important. Whether you family is your biological parents or parent, step parents or parent, grandparents, sisters or brothers, aunts or uncles, or you adopted or foster parents or parent, they are still your family. Family is a vital part of life, and love even more vital. One thing if you don’t see anything else, see not to take advantage or take your family for granted because one day they may not be here. Don’t forget about the people who made you who you are. Never get so full of yourself that you only care about what you do. Basketball is what Mike does, Michael Jordan is who he is . Bibliography Davis 6 Works Cited Page Greene, Bob. Hang Time. New York: Doubleday Inc., Nov. 1992 Halberstam, David. Playing for Keeps. New York: Random House, 1999. www. www. www. Michael Jordan Essay -- essays research papers fc Who Influenced Michael Jordan to Become the Player and Person He is Today? I. Introduction A. Background B. Thesis Statement II. Body A. Childhood of MJ B. MJ the Child Player C. The College Years D. MJ- The Pro Athlete 1. Life in the NBA 2. Life in the MLB E. Back to the NBA 1. Bye, Bye, Bye (Retirement from the Game) III. Conclusion IV. Appendixes A. Charts and Statistics V. Works Cited Page Davis 2 Introduction Well everyone has they’re own opinion about Michael Jordan, but one thing is certain, he is a phenomenal athlete with a unique combination of grace, power, artistry and the improvisational ability. He is not only the top player of his Era, but is quite possibly the best player to wear the uniform of a NBA team. He is the most recognizable athlete in the world and is believed to be the best there ever was, is, or ever will be. ( A person to this magnitude has obviously a success, being able to have a family of his own and, knowing that there are thousands of p eople looking up to him, and being many people’s idol. To be able to stand the pressure of being a national symbol of greatness, you have to have a driving force. This driving force has been known to be the edge a lot of people have needed to make it over. Michael Jordan’s family helped him to fight and become one of the most influential, successful, and professional sports figures ever. Body Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, NY, to a proud Deloris and James Jordan. (; Now this very first point may seem like no big deal but it’s something in itself. Jordan almost wasn’t born. In 1963, when Deloris was carrying Mike her mother died unexpectedly causing her to fall into a deep depression and stress period. Fearing a miscarriage the family doctor ordered her to bed rest. (Greene 12; "I Davis 3 always said that Michael’s birth was like a sign. I lost my mother while I was carrying Micha el, and he was my godsend. Michael was the happiness he sent me after a very sad time in my life." –Deloris (qtd. In Halberstam 48) "The near miscarriage was very bad." –James (qtd. in Halberstam 49) Michael the Jordan’s 4th child lived in a pretty much average house, which was on the lower end of the economic pool. When Mike was 2 he had a really close brush with death. James (Mike’s father) was outside tuning... proved true and Mike come out of retirement. In his 5th game back he scored 55 points. Jordan definately still had it. He also led his team to a second 3-peat. (three championships in a row) Jordan retired for good with 6 NBA finals MVP’s. ( Conclusion Michael, the "perfect" player still needs his family. Mike’s story goes to show that family is important. Whether you family is your biological parents or parent, step parents or parent, grandparents, sisters or brothers, aunts or uncles, or you adopted or foster parents or parent, they are still your family. Family is a vital part of life, and love even more vital. One thing if you don’t see anything else, see not to take advantage or take your family for granted because one day they may not be here. Don’t forget about the people who made you who you are. Never get so full of yourself that you only care about what you do. Basketball is what Mike does, Michael Jordan is who he is . Bibliography Davis 6 Works Cited Page Greene, Bob. Hang Time. New York: Doubleday Inc., Nov. 1992 Halberstam, David. Playing for Keeps. New York: Random House, 1999. www. www. www.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cpu Research Paper

CPU: Past, Present,   â€Å"A CPU (central processing unit) is the â€Å"brain† of the computer; it follows the instructions of the software to manipulate data into information. † (Sawyer, 2010, p. 208) The CPU performs logic and arithmetic operations, controls instruction processing, and supervises the overall operation of the computer. The main components of the CPU are the CU (control unit) and the ALU (arithmetic/logic unit). (Dugger & Gerrish, 1994, p. 78) The CPU also has registers which temporary store data during processing, and buses that act as roadways which transmit bits of data within the CPU and to other components on the motherboard. CPU: The control unit deciphers the instructions from the input and moves them into memory. For each instruction the CPU will fetch the instruction, decode the instruction, execute the instruction, and store the result. These four basic operations are known as a machine cycle. The control unit is therefore responsible in th e CPU to instruct and control where the data goes to and what will happen to it. (Sawyer, 2010, p. 208)ALU: The arithmetic/logic unit executes data that the control unit has sent to it. It performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The ALU also performs basic logic operations such as comparing two numbers to see if they are equal, less than, greater than, or not equal. (Dugger & Gerrish, 1994, p. 581) Registers: â€Å"Registers are high-speed storage areas that temporarily store data during processing. † (Sawyer, 2010, p. 209) The CPU contains several types of registers such as an instruction register, address register, storage register, and an accumulator register.These registers may store a program instruction, store data while being processed, or store the results of a calculation. Without the registers the control unit or arithmetic/logic unit could not complete their work. Buses: â€Å"A bus is a group of parallel c onductors which carry information. † (â€Å"Microprocessors,† 1983, pp. 2-2) The conductors may be wires in a cable, foil patterns on a printed circuit board, or microscopic metal deposits in a silicon chip. Buses act as data roadways to get data from one place to another as needed. The term CPU/central processing unit has been in use since the 1960s.Nowadays, we are more familiar with the term microprocessors which are CPUs that are manufactured on integrated circuits in a single-chip package. However, before getting into today’s technology I will take a look at the past CPU technology. Past Exactly which computer was the first electronic computer completed in the United States is a controversial subject. Iowa State University claims that the Atanasoff-Berry Computer at ISU was completed in 1942 just before its creator was called up for duty in the war effort. (Munns) Another computer at the University of Pennsylvania which was funded by the military was complet ed in 1946 by J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. First Generation: Eckert and Mauchly’s invention was called the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator, or as many now know it, as ENIAC. This first generation computer weighed 30 tons and contained 18,000 vacuum tubes. ENIAC could do 5000 additions per second. Each specific sequence of calculations had to be hard-wired into the machine. To change programs, ENIAC had to be completely rewired. ENIAC is generally known as the first electronic computer in the United States. However, since ENIAC could not store a program it did not have, what we would call, a CPU. Dugger & Gerrish, 1994, p. 571) In 1945 John von Neumann created a design for a computer system. His design included four basic units for a computer: a CPU, an input device, an output device, and storage. (Dugger & Gerrish, 1994, p. 571) In 1946 John von Neumann joined with Eckert and Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania to create the Electronic Discrete Vari able Automatic Computer (EDVAC). EDVAC was completed in 1949. It contained almost 6000 vacuum tubes and had 12,000 diodes. EDVAC covered 490 square feet of flooring and weighed almost 9 tons. It required thirty people to operate it.EDVAC is considered the first truly programmable electronic computer that included a central processing unit. No doubt the CPU was enormous, but still a recognizable CPU. (â€Å"EDVAC†) Second Generation: In 1954 Texas Instruments introduced the silicon transistor. This revolutionized computer technology and created the Second Generation of computers. Transistorized CPUs of the 1950’s and 60’s were no longer hampered by vacuum tubes and electrical relay. Second Generation computers were smaller, faster, more rugged, and more reliable. â€Å"With this improvement, more complex and reliable CPUs were built onto one or several rinted circuit boards containing discrete transistor components. † (â€Å"Central Processing Unit† ) Third Generation: The development of integrated circuits and their use in computers began in the mid 1960’s. This shift in technology brought about the Third Generation of computers which were faster, more reliable, cheaper to operate and much smaller. Throughout the advances in computer technology and electronics the CPU continued to become faster and smaller. Fourth Generation: In the early 1970’s, Ted Hoff at Intel invented the first microprocessor.Essentially, this was the first time that a complete processing unit was contained within a single chip and it revolutionized the way computers were applied and designed forever. This is where the Fourth Generation of computers was born. The Intel 4004 was a four bit device, measured 1/8 inch by 1/6 inch, and could execute 60,000 operations per second. (Dugger & Gerrish, 1994, p. 574) By 1972 Intel had come out with an 8-bit microprocessor, the Intel 8008, and within a year had bettered it with the Intel 8080 which coul d execute about 290,000 operations per second.In 1979, Motorola developed a 16-bit microprocessor. The Motorola 68000 was very popular in the blossoming personal computer market. Around the same time Intel rolled out their 16-bit microprocessor; the Intel 8086. While other companies tried to compete in the microprocessor market, it was generally Intel and Motorola who were in the race to built smaller and better processors with each other. By the mid 80’s each had produced 32-bit microprocessors. Beyond: According to Moore’s Law, at our rate of technological development, the complexity of an integrated circuit will double in about 24 months.By the early 90’s, 64-bit microprocessors entered the market. Each succeeding processor is smaller and can produce data much faster. The 90’ saw Intel introduce its first Pentium chip and Motorola introduced their Power PC CPU. Throughout the 90’s Intel improved on its Pentium technology releashing the Pentium P ro, Pentium II, Pentium MMX, and Pentium III. In the late 90’s AMD introduced their Athlon CPU. The Athlon worked at 800 MHz. In 2000, both Intel and AMD released 1 GHz microprocessors in the Pentium 4 and Athlon CPU. By 2002, Intel’s Pentium 4 reaches 3. 06 GHz.By 2006, both Intel and AMD introduce dual-core processors. 64-bit processors have been around for use in mainframes and supercomputers, but now 64-bit processors are being made for personal computers. Present Today’s main competitors for CPU’s in microprocessors are Intel and AMD. Motorola sold off their semiconductor manufacturing section to become Freescale, and has basically bowed out of the CPU race. CPU’s of today are extremely fast. The new Intel Core i7-980X Processor Extreme Edition released the beginning of 2010 has six cores, 12 threads, a max turbo speed of 3. GHz , a 12 MB Smart Cache, and a clock speed of 3. 33 GHz. (â€Å"Intel Processors,†) â€Å"The faster a CPU run s the more power it consumes and the more waste heat it produces. † (Sawyer, 2010, p. 206) For that reason, rather than increasing clock speed, Intel and AMD have pursued using multi-core technology, which employs additional CPU cores and runs them in parallel. Dual, Quad, and multi-core processors are very popular today in CPUs for computers, games and other technology that needs a CPU. Future 128-bit microprocessors are still being developed. Some experts predict that advances in microprocessor technology will produce a 50 GHz processor by 2010, the kind of power that will be required to support such function as true speech interfaces and real-time speech translation† (Sawyer, p. 206) ClusterOnaChip (CoC) is a popular example of the future in CPU technology. Engineers are working on how to place thousands of more processors in a â€Å"cluster† on a single chip. IBM in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology has created a prototype silicon-germaniu m hetero-junction bipolar transistor able to operate at a speed of 500 GHz at 4. degrees Kelvin. At room temperature, the transistor achieves a speed of 350 GHz. â€Å"This demonstrates that speeds of half a trillion cycles per second can be achieved in a commercial, silicon-based technology, using large wafers and low-cost, silicon-compatible manufacturing techniques,† says John D. Cressler, Byers Professor at Georgia Tech’s School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a researcher at the Georgia Electronic Design Center at Georgia Tech. Our current technological knowledge is not good enough to produce the microprocessors and CPU’s of the future.We are limited by our current materials and in need of innovation to jump start us towards even smaller and faster CPU’s. One can only dream of the day when rather than having a bulky transistor made of silicon, we have processors that are scaled down to the size of an electron itself. Conclusion With Mooreà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Law in mind, we can see that over the past decades we have certainly obeyed his law. From ENIAC to EDVAC, to transistors, to integrated circuits and single chip microprocessors, CPU technology has evolved and is still evolving to bring us the computers that e want and need. Further advances into CPU technology will allow us to compute faster and realize scientific discoveries that can change our world for the better. Our thirst for deep space exploration could become a reality. Medical research will be simplified. The possibilities are endless. References (1983). Microcomputer Basics. In Microprocessors (pp. 2-2). Benton Harbor, MI: Heath Company. Central Processing Unit. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. spiritus-temporis. com/central-processing-unit/history. html Dugger, W. E. , & Gerrish, H.H. (1994). Electronics Technology: Devices and Circuits. South Holland, IL: Goodheart-Wilcox Company, Inc. EDVAC. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. spiritus-temporis. com/edvac/ Intel Processors. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. intel. com/products/processor_number/about. htm Munns, R. (n. d. ). First-Computer controversy finally nearing a conclusion. Retrieved from http://www. scl. ameslab. gov/abc/articles/first-computer. html Sawyer, W. (2010). Hardware: The CPU & Storage. In Using Information Technology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Interrelationship between at least two problems Essay

The economy of a state is very important and connected to many things in the life of each and every person. This paper will show that the economics of California affects the education and the immigrants in California. These three things are connected because both education and many things about immigration need money and money is a part of the economy. One of the things that connects the economy with education is Proposition 13 and government budgets. What connects the economy to immigration issues is their contribution to the economy and also their status as workers in the country. Proposition 13 was a move to limit property taxes by voters in 1978 and increased taxes in other places such as income and sales taxes for schools and other local and state programs. Instead, those who benefited a lot from Proposition 13 was large corporations and businesses. If this is what is happening to schools, then it will have a direct bad effect to the education system. It means that education will be more expensive for people especially in the private schools they are enrolling in. Also, the proposition makes it obvious that the government will lack sources of funds because the properties are not taxed. There are big taxes coming from properties, especially businesses, which is why they have less sources of taxes. This means that there is less revenue for the government. Less revenues means less money given to a lot of things that the government has to fund. This includes the money that the government gives to public schools and community colleges because the government lacks budget especially to make the schools better for the students. The smaller budget also creates another problem because school staff could be laid off, smaller classrooms because of more students coming in, putting schools to closure, and cutting school programs that will help many students such as sports, music, and art programs. Because of this, students will have problems becoming better and focusing on their lessons and the things that they have to learn. If it goes really bad, then it will be no different from the poorly-funded education of less prominent nations. Like other poorer nations, students will have very difficult time to pay attention to the teachers which will make their grades lower and decrease the number of graduates. This means that there will be more students who drop out and become juvenile delinquents. Also, teachers who are talented will be lost because the benefits are not good anymore and because some of them will be laid off. In terms of connecting the problems of California government economic and education system, the lower budget for schools affects the immigrants badly. In California, there are 600,000 ethnic minority colleges who rely on government funding. The budget cuts have resulted in less spending per student in important subjects especially in learning English. Because the government spends less money for them, minorities who rely on community college for their education will fall further behind. This will be bad especially because Latinos are becoming a bigger population and are easily growing to soon become the majority of the state and have the characteristic of being less educated. In the end, a less educated population will also mean that things will go bad for the economy also. Because businesses and the economy relies on a competent and able workforce, they need to have quality people working in businesses, institution and even in the government. It’s bad enough that students learn less from community colleges but it’s even worse that there are students who can’t even go to community colleges because of the lack of funding provided to the schools. The state seems to be even scarier especially because the types of jobs that California needs are skilled and need specialized training in college like in health care, education, technology and construction work. The California economy also has a direct effect on immigrants that isn’t coursed through education. We already know that immigrants contribute to the economy by paying taxes, starting a business, and being a good source of labor for companies and businesses. Because of the current good economy of California, many immigrants, both documented and undocumented, are coming in to get better paying jobs than in their home countries and helping the economy grow. The current economy of the state also helps immigrants have better lives than what they have in their third world nations. The economy also helps the immigrants raise their families either in the United States or in their home countries especially when they send money to them. If the economy of California goes down, then a lot of immigrants will lose jobs and will not be able to support their families. Many immigrants will also not have a better life. It’s very obvious that immigrants are an important aspect of the California economy. The government should take care of them and not shun them. If the immigrants are treated well by the economy, then they will help make the economy more prosperous and it will produce a cycle of improvement in the whole state. All in all, the economy of California will affect both the state of education and the state of the immigrants in a directly proportional way and vice versa. If the economy goes down, the system of education will also go down. If the economy goes down, the effect on the immigrants will be negative. If education goes down, the economy and the plight of immigrants will be worse. If the state of the immigrants become worse, it will affect the economy and the quality of education as well. This means that all of these three factors are linked together and a difference in one will affect the others.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Jungle Book Report essays

The Jungle Book Report essays The Jungle, written by Upton Sinclair is a harsh book that shows the reality of life. It tells how an immigrant goes through harsh times and death, which brings on depression, jail and a life of crime. In time, the life of crime and depression are fought off by two socialist speakers, which make him realize he can do more with his life. Newly arrived immigrants to Chicago Jurgis Radkus and Ona Lukoszaite along with Jurgis father and Elzbietas six children use the little money left by Onas deceased father to marry Jurgis and Ona. They then buy part of a filthy apartment and are married. All of the family able to work found work easily. Jurgis learns how badly treated workers are and how unsanitary the conditions to work will be. This lead to the death of his father. Jurgis sprains his ankle and is out of work for a long while. When he regained his health his search for work failed because he was lacking the strength he needed. Lack of money lead to starvation and unsanitary conditions cause the death of Elzbietas two crippled sons. Jurgis then has to take a low paying job at a fertilizer plant. To escape these harsh conditions Jurgis took to drinking. Ona now is unreliable and gone for long periods of time, due to this Jurgis confronts her to find out she has had forced adultery by Connor a foreman at his work. Jurgis attacks him and is thrown in to jail for assault. On his release he learns the family has lost their house. Ona goes into unexpected labor and her and the newborn pass away. Jurgis finds work to try to support his first son but is soon laid off. His new work at the steal mill raise the familys spirits until the drowning of Jurgis first son in the rising rivers. Jurgis meets a new friend in a saloon and receives a one hundred-dollar bill, which he tries to break. This leads to a fight and he is in jail once again. The breaking of his arm then s ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lakeview Gusher of 1910 Bigger, Not Worse, Than BP Oil Spill

Lakeview Gusher of 1910 Bigger, Not Worse, Than BP Oil Spill When BP finally stopped the oil flowing from its ruptured underwater well in the Gulf of Mexico in July 2010, the government announced that the 4.9 million barrels (more than 205 million gallons) of oil the well had spilled over the previous three months made it the worst accidental oil spill in U.S. and world history. Along with most other media, we reported that conclusion, but one of our readers (a man named Craig) quickly pointed out that the government and the media were all mistaken and had not looked far enough back in the history books to get the facts straightand he was right. The Lakeview gusher of 1910 spilled 9 million barrels of oil (thats 378 million gallons) onto a patch of scrubland in Kern County, California, between the towns of Taft and Maricopa, about 110 miles north of Los Angeles. Once it blew, the Lakeview gusher was unstoppable for 18 months. The initial flow from the Lakeview gusher was 18,000 barrels a day, building to an uncontrolled crescendo of 100,000 barrels daily, and eventually producing only 30 barrels a day after the flood of California crude was finally stopped. Ironically, the Lakeview gusher might never have happened if the crew on site had obeyed orders from bosses in Los Angeles. After months of unproductive drilling, Union Oil headquarters sent word to shut down the operation and abandon the well. But the crew, led by a foreman nicknamed Dry Hole Charlie, wouldnt give up. They ignored the orders and kept on drilling. In mid-March 1910, 2,200 feet below the surface, the drilling tapped into a high-pressure reservoir and the well blew with such force that the eruption demolished the wooden derrick and created a crater so large that no one could get close enough to the well to try capping it. The well kept gushing until September 1911. The Lakeview gusher didnt actually do much environmental damage. Black mist fell for miles around, and only the valiant work of oil workers and volunteers building dikes by hand prevented the oil from contaminating Buena Vista Lake to the east, but most of the oil soaked into the sagebrush-studded soil or evaporated. And while 100 years later the area is still soaked with oil, the long-term environmental impact of the spill is generally considered minimal. So while the Lakeview Gusher was larger in volume than the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf spill was a far bigger environmental and economic disaster.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 393

Assignment Example To stop such unfair actions and from threatening of employee, a committee of neutral people could have been formed. The role of this committee would be to identify any unfair practices used by anyone to intimidate or threaten anyone. Moreover, employees should also have been asked to report any such unfair practice or intimidation they or their family members have received to this committee and then the committee would have the authority to punish such people. Yes, the racial nature of the rhetoric puts an extra pressure or burden on the union than a normal rhetoric about an employer. When the racism, ethnicity, religion and cultural aspects are involved then it influences people more than the normal situation (Jackson, Schuler, & Werner, 2009). Thus, in this situation, with the involvement of racism, not only the patriotism towards the country or racism has ignited, but it has also encouraged employees that have not been satisfied to show their frustration. Thus, by combining the ethnic or racism, an extra burden has been

Friday, November 1, 2019

Organizational Diagnosis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Diagnosis - Term Paper Example The obtained results are instrumental in devising solutions. As organizations are increasing around the globe, they are creating more opportunities for organizational problems. According to Papadopoulos (2009), increasing organizations make the organizational owners and managers to encounter different conflicts with their employees and different issues; thus, negatively affecting the productivity of an organization. However, it is imperative for such managers to consider conducting organizational analysis to ensure that every organizational subsystem is functioning effectively, increasing the effectiveness of an organization. Possible issues that might occur in an organization and their preventive measures Different organizations around the globe face many issues that affect their effectiveness; hence, distorting their productivity. Therefore, this paper will draw attention on these issues. Firstly, information security is a major issue to most organizations. Information insecurity h as turned out to me a major problem affecting most organizations since most of the current organizations rely on information technology in their operations. The threats and ferociousness involved in technology have made the protection of organizational private information to be a challenge. This has resulted into other companies hacking vital information concerning their competitor negatively interfering with them (Daft, 2010). In addition, the company managers also control the employees’ personal information denying them freedom to privacy. For example, there are some organizations, which manage the private information of their employees by accessing their emails, Facebook accounts and their communications on phone information. It is important for organizations to train their employees on information security for them to prevent hacking of their organizational private information. The organizations should also ensure that they form a key password for the organizational infor mation to prevent other competing organizations from interfering with their organizational privacy. In addition, organizational managers should ensure that they balance the employees’ freedom and privacy, while at the work place when it comes to managing their personal information. For example, there are some organizations, which take control of all their employees’ personal information by monitoring how they communicate through emails while at work, as well as their computers and other accounts (Daft, 2010). Therefore, it is important for organizations to possess privacy rights hence considering potential issues on employee privacy and autonomy among employees. Secondly, most of the problems in the current organizations arise due to communication problems amongst employees. Consequently, such problems results into dissimilar negative effects such as lowering employees’ productivity, job turn over and other activities within an organization. Poor communication i s a barrier to any organization’s productivity because good communication increases productivity by enabling employees to share ideas, point out potential problems and create an environment that can solve dissimilar issues within an organization. According to Ziegenfuss (2002), good communication process in an organization, results to less problems and conflicts. In order for organizations